Sinking Driftwood?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 7, 2011
My driftwood finally arrived today. After much rinsing, I am ready to put it in my tank. My question is this:

Whats the best way to sink and/or anchor driftwood so it stays at the bottom of the tank?
Did you soak it or just rinse it? What kind of wood, do you know? You can soak it in hot water or boil it to waterlog it until it sinks but it can take a while (days if not longer) depending on what type of wood. You could also attach it to a piece of slate via a stainless steel screw.
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I bought it from The Driftwood Store, so its a type of American Hardwood, not sure exactly what.

I actually received an answer already from the guy I bought it from. Its been pre soaked so all I should really have to do is anchor it and let it soak up water again.
I always put a rock holding it down until it's waterlogged. Sometimes, it takes weeks.
I tied mine to a rock with fishing line. Not sure how long it took to water log exactly cause I didn't mess with it with it for a couple months after I put it in. Mine is also a piece I gathered myself from a local stream and prepared myself.
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