Skunk Loaches

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
So not to long ago I was considering getting some loaches for my 55gal. Well, I am Just downright sick of all my snails so its time to get some snail removers.
After doing some research it sounds like skunk loaches are best suited for my 55gal. Seeing as they can probably hold there own against my bichirs. Currently i only have a platinum gourami and one senegal bichir in the 55gal, but i will soon have 2 bichirs. How many skunk loaches should i get? Also, do you think there are anyother types of loaches that are a possiblity. I don't want one that will get to big for my 55gal because, i don't have the option of getting one any bigger. TIA :D
i had skunk loaches in with my cories. after about a month they started getting agressive and tore my cories apart so..

fun fish, had 2. stayed in their log most of the day though
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