Small tank ideas!?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 21, 2012
I want a small tank either 5 or 10 gallon to go in my dorm room, I would like to have Julii Cory's, maybe some RCS and maybe a small school of fish to be the centerpiece, I like neon/ cardinal tetras, maybe male guppies, anything that would be good with Cory,s and RCS that is colorful.

So what I need to know is should I use a sponge filter or HOB?
Would the tank be okay without a top(open air)?
What plants would go well?
What ideas for fish?
Thanks guys and sorry for so many Q's!
I probly needed to be more specific,
What fish would live well with RCS and Dwarf Cory's and also live in a small school/group in a 5 or 10 gallon tank?
I would say red cherry shrimps are the best idea for a small tank like that. You can just buy around 10 of them off aqubid along with some java moss. They will breed into 100+ within 3~4 months.
As far as fish are concerned: Julii cories are a definate no no. They are about 2 inches long and very active. If you love cories you could get pygmy cories IF you get the 10 gallon. A betta, or male guppies, or shrimp, or microrasboras such as Chilli Rasboras.

An open top tank will depend on what fish you are keeping. Some fish will jump. Also, if you have cats, you will of course need a lid!

Either filter will do. It depends on what you plan to keep. I think HOB filters seem more popular, but I will wait for someone else to answer that.

Java fern is a great, low light plant. As is java moss.

So for fish I would go with:

5 gallon

1 betta
A few Shrimp (Some bettas will eat shrimp though)


6-8 Chilli Rasboras
A few Shrimp

10 Gallon

10-12 Chilli Rasboras
A few Shrimp


A betta
6 Pygmy Cories


6 Male Guppies
A few shrimp

Those are some ideas. It is of course up to you though.

Do you know about cycling?
Okay thanks, I'll look at some of the Pygmy Cory.
I'll probably go with a 10
Gallon for a little more space.
I don't really want to do a betta but I'll look at the rasboros.
Yes I know about cycling, I'm just trying to plan everything out and do my research ahead of time.
The only reason I'm not going with a larger tank is because of limited space.
Do you know of any other micro fish?
I've heard that's sparkling gourami are suitable for a small tank any thoughts on that?
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