Smile for the camera (Ram pics)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 29, 2003
What a camera hog!



You will note the yellow Guppy is giving away the real reason for the fish being at the front of the tank. The precious sinking wafer food... :p
Wonderful looking fish, and great pics. I wish I could take pictures of my fish - everything is a blur for me.
Just noticed you can see the camera lens reflection in the top left of the first pic, whoops :roll:
Very nice. Rams are my fav fish. I lost a female a month ago, so I only had one male. Today while at the LFS, they had some really nice tiny Juvies, so I got a couple of GB's and a couple of Goldens. They were to young to sex. Needless to say, the male I already had, sexed them for me as soon as I released them into the tank. Hopefully they will settle down in the next couple of days. Other wise, I might have to seperate the two males.
WOW, what vibrant color!
I can only imagine what he would look like if there was a female in the tank too!
What type of camera are you using ?? Really nice picture and vibrant color
The camera is a Canon A60 I got for $180 and it came with a $50 gift card so it was pretty cheap. I took those pics on Fast Shutter speed setting, flash on, and manual focus.
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