Snail Eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 4, 2024
I have a feeling these must be snail eggs on my plants. On many leaves, they are perfectly in a row. Are they something that needs to be removed? They are hard beads that don’t want to be scraped or scratched off.


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They dont look like any kind of snail eggs im familiar with. What kind of snails do you have?

What fish do you keep?
I have an albino loach, 2 angels, 5 tetras, 2 Siamese algae eaters, and a catfish.
They are apparently unfertilized angelfishfish eggs that have turned white from fungus. Anyone know if I should simply clip the leaves to remove them from the tank, or does one just leave them in place?
They are apparently unfertilized angelfishfish eggs that have turned white from fungus. Anyone know if I should simply clip the leaves to remove them from the tank, or does one just leave them in place?
If they were Angel eggs and fungused, they would not be hard. Catfish eggs however can be hard. What kind of catfish do you have?
It’s this little (girl?) guy that I believe is supposed to be a queen pleco but doesn’t quite match most of those pictured online.


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I agree they look similar, but I suddenly have a hundred eggs in the tank, the volume of which exceeds the size of the two Siamese algae eaters! They are an inch long and very slender, so it would have been hard to miss it if one (or both) were full of eggs.
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