snail infestation

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 29, 2009
northamptoshire uk
i have a bucket with about 25kilo of substrate from a tank i recently purchased
i was going to use the substrate but i found 100's of small minute snails so i purchased some new substrate
can i boil the old substrate up in a large container and succesfully eradicate all the snails and there eggs as i would like to put the substrate to good use
i do have a SNAIL CONTROL KING BRITISH TREATMENT but i do not want to use chemicals so will the boiling of the substrate alone kill off the snails
boiling the substrate will turn your snails in to escargot. Although you will have 100's of carcases, maybe you will be lucky and the snails will float once cooked.
i dont think anythink can survive being boiled as for the carcases these little blighters are about 1mil in size probaley fit about 10 or so on a match head they are alot smaller than the substrate having just done some quick reasearch seems boiling will kill them off and there eggs
usually only suggested as a last resort of bad infestation as this would mean breaking down the tank and re-cycling but in my case thats not the issue as i already purchased new substrate and cycle is well under way
i guess seen as i dont want these snails in my aquarium but would like to use the substrate boiling it is the way to go
The only think I can think of with boiling the snails and them putting them in a tank is that you will have a lot of bio matter that is going to be decomposing... creating a big spike. You will want to take a lot of care testing the water and possibly doing a lot of daily water changes to make sure the paramaters don't go too far out of wack.
i was thinking boiling up then leaving for 7days,
then boiling up again,
that way i think carcases should disintergrate on 2nd boil
or at least alot of the decomposing will come out in the boil
if neccesary repeat process a 3rd time
You could totally sell them as clown loaches love snails, at worst give them away. Search the diy section for aquarium1's diy to snail traps. Its pretty ingenius.
Well, since they are so small, after you boil them you could probably just suck them up with a gravel vac.
thats a great great little snail trap
but it's not really appropriate for me seen as the substrate in question is in a stand alone bucket/container and not in a aquarium but thanks for the info
i also think the boiling method will work with alot of paitience
i tryed with a small amount out earlier
and the snails actually came straight to the surface while boiling
so i think doing that with small amounts and using the gravel vac idea is the way i shall go
thanks everyone for the idea's
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