Snail Over pop.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2015
This might seem dark, but if I want to rid myself of my snail population. Is the best thing to do, is just flush the snails? Thanks for the help!
What kind of fish do you have? You could just give them a squish and let the fish have at it.

4 Tiger Barbs
2 Blood SwordTails
1 Pleco
2 BLue Coral Dwarf Guoramis
6 Neon Tetras
4 Black Phantom Tetras.
i got an amano shrimp and a pea puffer and they did the trick once but now i just use earth eater cichlids now that i have a larger tank
A strong salt bath will be a little less gross. Flushing is a bad idea as they are an invasive species.

My friends turtle always loved pond snails plus they were a good source of calcium :)

I will say though, that snails overpopulate primarily because of overfeeding. So unless you cut back a little bit on food then the problem wont go away.
Goldfish like to snack on them if you.know anyone with some goldies. I also throw mine in the garbage. I figure they dry out and die before they go to the landfill so that they aren't entering the water ways. I also smash them for the fish too when I can.

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I think it far to say that once you have snails, pond snails particularly, then you can only manage their numbers. Eradication is unlikely. I am fanatical about swishing the little devils whenever I see one, but they are still there (in very small numbers). Try to get the biggest ones out before they breed, miss one and you start all over again.

Sent from my iPad in West Yorkshire, U.K.
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