Snail shell deteriorating--fast!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 26, 2012
Hey all.

Ive grown rather fond of my snail Gary. When I got him he had a little brown on the bottom front of his shell and the LFS said he was just growing. But whenit got bigger I was concerned. Now having paid close attention I can tell it seems to be deteriorating. Over the last two days the white part reveals twice the brown/ green color that it used to. I added baking soda and a broken up muscle shell but he keeps getting worse and I'm not sure what to do. :/

Sorry- shouldve posted stats.

attached is a pretty bad picture, bit you get the point. I'm out of ammonia testers but he's in with one other dumber snail (I forget the species, I don't like him anyway) and three Rosie reds. Gary is a blue snail (says the LFS)

nitrate: 20 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Gh: 150
Kh: 120
Ph: 7.0

I have strips right now but I'm buying an API soon.



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