So annoyed neons carry white spot

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 18, 2013
Hey guy sadly this week will probs be the end of my fishies lives since I hadn't noticed that my neons had brought with them white spot and I am broke this week and I don't get paid till Friday hopefully I won't loose too many fish ! ???
Sadly sounds like your fish have ich, i just had to treat mine for that to
Well than you're in luck! Crank your heater up to 86 and do a gravel vac 50% wc every other day for 8-10 days, should kill the ich.
No gaurantees, but it is a proven method in treating ich, make sure you have good thermometer!
You're not in any trouble if it is ich which sounds like it is. They won't die from it.
All you need to do is raise the water temp to 84-86 and do daily water changes as it has been mentioned and it will be just fine. I also recommend at this point to not use medicines.
I recently went through an ich epidemic myself, never thought it would happen to me, and I didn't want to use medicine, I HATE adding stuff to my tank water other than conditioner, all I did was crank the temp up to 86 degrees and 50% water changes daily, it's been 3 weeks or so and all my fish made it except for my German blue ram :/ my gobies still have one or two little spots on them(I hear its harder for scaleless fish to be cured) which Is why I'm still running the temp at 86.
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