So how much did you spend on xmas?

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Macro Addict
Apr 3, 2012
I think I got a little carried away on Xmas this year ,
I only had to get stuff for my wife and daughter so they better have a good Xmas , I spent well over $1500.00 I must be insane ! mail ordering gets addicting :cool:
HO HO HO Merry Xmas
I started kinda early- in like sept or OCt and got a couple things a week so hard to say. We did probably go a little over board. Our son will be 17 months on Christmas so his first "real" one. Last year he sort of opened his presents but not really. And obviously had no idea what was going on

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I miss the days my kids were young , I always dressed up as santa and always tried to get caught by the little ones it was so much fun , now I have to wait till I get a few grand kids
to start the tradition all over again ,
enjoy them while there young they sprout way to fast
Merry Xmas
Yeah- I can't even believe he is almost a year and a half! It seems like it was only a few months ago I was super pregnant and miserable lol

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