I have bright green patches growing across my aquarium gravel, it seems to be spreading quite quick, and its like slime, I can only assume its the dreaded BGA, I am hoping you can help me why I got it in the first place, and maybe help me get rid of it.
Little bit of background my tank is an 8 gallon, with 3 stage filtration built into the hood, 23 watt fluorecent lighting 10 hours on 14 hours off, fluorite black substrate, driftwood, and an amazon sword, fully cycled and its current inhabitants are 3 neons 1 cardinal neon and an otto cat.
Nitrates have never gone over 10, ammonia and nitrites are 0, I do weekly water changes of about 30%, one area of suspect is I think my tank has a relitively low water flow, but I read cardinals like this so did not have much concern, I am also concened about oxygen in the water, I do not use an air stone, and I wonder if the built in filtration and the water movement created by the intake and return are enough. So what do you all think? Where should I start? Should I start with removing all the decor and giving the gravel a good vacuum and do a water change?
Little bit of background my tank is an 8 gallon, with 3 stage filtration built into the hood, 23 watt fluorecent lighting 10 hours on 14 hours off, fluorite black substrate, driftwood, and an amazon sword, fully cycled and its current inhabitants are 3 neons 1 cardinal neon and an otto cat.
Nitrates have never gone over 10, ammonia and nitrites are 0, I do weekly water changes of about 30%, one area of suspect is I think my tank has a relitively low water flow, but I read cardinals like this so did not have much concern, I am also concened about oxygen in the water, I do not use an air stone, and I wonder if the built in filtration and the water movement created by the intake and return are enough. So what do you all think? Where should I start? Should I start with removing all the decor and giving the gravel a good vacuum and do a water change?