So Who Likes Baby Pictures?

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Wy Renegade

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 31, 2008
So I'm up in Montana working on my Master's degree this summer and several of my classes have taken me into Yellowstone or hiking the trails around Bozeman. I had an opportunity to catch a few nice wildlife babies this summer, so here you go . . .







Bet that wasn't necessarily what you werre expecting ;)!
Thanks guys - they are pretty cute aren't they? I was just glad mamma moose didn't get to upset, cause we kind of walked right up on top of them as they were over a ridge and you didn't see them till you were right there. You can tell in that first picture, she was not too happy with us.

Beautiful pictures! Enjoying your time off then, huh? :)

He-he, I don't know about time off, but I am enjoying it. We were in Yellowstone today from 7:00am till 10:30pm and I learned more about bacteria, archaea, cyano, and algae then I could have ever imagined. We worked with a guy who's PHD and Field of Study is archaea (prokaryotic organisms) that are the nitrogen fixers and nitrate to nitrogen converters. I'm afraid my new found knowledge is going to spawn some major debates here over then year or so.
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