Soil like substrate?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
Are there any substrates for aquariums that are similar to potting soil or sand? I am just looking for a fine substrate so if i get corries I don't need to worry about their barbells. Thanks.
Eco Complete is more like soil, mixed with some small gravel. And I have a bunch of cories. Of course it's for planted tanks, and not cheap. If no plants, then pool filter sand is good.
Seachem Onyx sand. it's a planting sand and a rich black. only downside is it's buffering capacity will raise your KH. (it's rich in calcium)

You can also look into Profile, I believe that is the sand used on golf courses. it's a fired clay that is great for plants and I believe it's pretty fine.
this article uses soilmaster, its used on sports feilds or something and a lot cheaper than eco-complete. I think i will have to go to a gardening store. I don't like the look of eco-complete or flourite much. I don't really like gravel much.

I don't think i can get a soil that will raise my water hardness my tap's pH is 8.4 there are already a ton of minerals in our water.
soilmaster is US exclusive (that's why I didn't mention it :p)

Profile is 1mm in diameter per grain. probably costs about 10-15$/50lbs. Turface MVP (made for pitchers mounds) by profile is 14$/50lbs up here.

Profile is PH 7.0 Turface is PH 6.2, fluorite is PH 5.5.. I'll be using turface in my next tank as 200+ lbs of eco is too expensive up here (2$/lb) and I can get 400lbs of turface for about 100$
Ok well what do you suggest this all sounds like jiberish to me lol. I just don't have the attention span tonight.
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