Some type of parasite?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 3, 2006
I noticed a small white string-like thing on the dorsal fin of one of my rummy nose tetras the other day. Today I checked, and it was still there. Upon closer inspection, he looked to have one on his pectral fin. I netted him out, and put him in a cup for pictures. He did a death roll type of manuever in the cup, and did not look to good.

Any idea what this is? Is it contagious? What is the suggested treatment? Should I treat the whole tank he was in? I can't see anything on the other fish as of now.

Any help is appreciated.


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He survived the night in a fish bowl and is acting fine. Any idea on what this is? I don't want to put him back in the main tank if it is contagious, but he won't last long in the fishbowl :(
Is everything else about his behaviour normal? Is he eating? If he is eating I would try feeding some parasitic food and see if that improves things. Does the string like thing move on it's own on the fish's body?

What size tank is he normally in and what tankmates? Have you added anything new to the tank recently? And when was your last water change?
Zagz said:
Is everything else about his behaviour normal? Is he eating? If he is eating I would try feeding some parasitic food and see if that improves things. Does the string like thing move on it's own on the fish's body?

What size tank is he normally in and what tankmates? Have you added anything new to the tank recently? And when was your last water change?

Thanks for the response! He is acting fine now. Last night something seemed a bit strange before I pulled him out of the tank.

I've never seen the string thing move. It's always in the same position. Tank size and fish info is in the "my info" button. I added some flag fish and amano shrimp two days ago, but I noticed the white-thing prior to that.

I haven't done a water change in about 2 1/2 weeks. I've been battling BBA in my non-CO2 injected tank. I was told to lay off the pwc's (that's also the reason I got the flag fish and shrimp). Is it possible that this thing isn't a parasite at all? I'm going to take a closer look....

update: Just tried to get a better look. It looks like there may be some type of clear sack near the white thing. I can't tell if the white thing is in the sac, or the white thing is causing the sack (swelling?), but most likely the latter.
Do you have any inverts (snails or shimp) or plants in the tank? If not I'd start out with a salt treatment. An anti-parasite med would also be helpful, but I don't know if the pet store will be open this close to christmas.

External parasites are much easier to treat than internal.
There are plants, shrimp, and snails in the main tank. This rummy nose has been removed and is currently in a fish bowl. Should I be treating the whole tank, or should I start with just the infected fish. I will have to wait until Tuesday before I get to a pet store. Any recommended medicines?
Jungle's Parasite Clear contains Praziquantel and Metronidazole, which are both good antiparasite meds you can try. Personally, I would try treating just the infected fish right now, but I would also treat the tank. Better safe than sorry. Jungle meds are pretty easy to find.

Best of luck
Vmax911 said:
It looks like there may be some type of clear sack near the white thing. I can't tell if the white thing is in the sac, or the white thing is causing the sack (swelling?), but most likely the latter.
Are the white spots, cottony looking? Can you get a close up of the "sacks"? It sounds kind of like a fungal infection, due to a wound or possibly a parasite. I think dskidmore is right, hit up the old salt treatment. It should knock out the possible parasite/fungal infection.
I agree, treat the infected fish.
Nothing cottony looking, I won't be able to get a shot of the sacks. I could barely see it at all. Just looks light a slight, clear bulge when viewed straight on.

I got some jungle parasite clear tabs. What shoulf I be looking for? Will the white thing fall off when he is cured? Any idea how long it should take?

Also, I won't be treating the entire tank. The medicine says it is harmful to shrimp!
Give it a few days atleast. I've used the Parasite Clear before successfully. It's good stuff. You will see the white thing dissapear, yes. It's important to keep treating though to make sure nothing that you can't see is hiding on the fish.

Best of luck.
Yeah, almost anything that will work on parasites will be bad for shrimp and fish. Keep the affected fish in QT for a month or so after symptoms go away. If any other fish show symptoms, you may have to set up a large QT and treat them all, and hope that the parasite has a short life cycle that can't complete without fish.
How often should I be dosing this stuff? One section of the instructions says not to exceed two doses on 48 hours, while antother section says to does once a week for three weeks!
Day 1 & Day 2, give one dose as directed.
Day 8 do a 50% water change and dose as directed.
Day 9 dose as directed.
continue pattern for one more week.

Monitor ammonia and nitrite levels in the QT. If you have to do a big water change to get ammonia down, dose the replacement water according to it's volume (not the entire tank's volume), to keep the medicine concentration even.

If the medicine is pre-measured, it may be easier to dose in a larger QT. You mentioned before you had him in a bowl? Depending on the premeasured dose, and how easy it is to split, you may want to bump up to a (new, clean) 5 gallon pail, or a 10 gallon aquarium.

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