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DanW0007 said:
Wow, that much for something that I imagine has a ton of fry? Interesting...

I know...I expected them to be far less expensive, may be that just a few people are spawning them, and only selling males or some such.
wow, thanks for all the suggestions... sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread, I've been ubber busy. Guess I'll be spending the weekend looking up all those awesome suggestions!! Thanks :mrgreen:
Livebearer pikes? Are those the crenicichla regani? I saw some on Aquabid a while back and almost ordered them but was nervous about the shipping. Those look like cool fish though. :D
severum mama said:
Livebearer pikes? Are those the crenicichla regani? I saw some on Aquabid a while back and almost ordered them but was nervous about the shipping. Those look like cool fish though. :D

No, what you have in mind are "pike cichlids"; "livebearer pike" generally refers to Belonesox belizanus.
How about one of the rarer varieties of Pleco? They come in an astounding array of vivid and beautiful colors, they are peaceful and hardy and typically the more colorful varieties only grow to about 6".

The only downer is the price which can be somewhat prohibitive, I have a gorgeous little Red Lizard Whiptail who looks like a tiny dragon and will already take food from my fingers...highly unusual in Plecos I understand. Have a look on for about 30 vivid varieties. But if you decide to buy one bear in mind you can probably pick them up a lot cheaper elsewhere.
Ohhhhh.... I was thinking of the SA dwarf pikes. I read that they are pretty peaceful, seems like they would be pretty interesting in a 55 gal setup. They had pairs of them on aquabid, just assumed that's what they were.
I don't have any livebearers so I don't really know much about them. :?
Discus aren't a sensitive as their reputation suggests. If you keep up with very regular water changes, the correct temperature and feed a quality and varied diet they are quite robust.
I would love to get some eventually. How big of a tank would you need for just a couple of discus and some rummynose tetras?
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