Something Red Protruding from...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 7, 2006
Hello all,

Today I noticed a something that is a red/pinkish colour protruding from my Glass Tetra's anal cavity. I am curious what this could be, and how to fix it.

Thanks for any information or help,
camallanus worms or pin worms as theyve been called due to their appearance. This gross pest is a nematode and you will need Levamisole to kill them off effectively. I don't have the dosage right off hand but I will find where I put it in the morning and let you know. I had the same problem before and I had a friend in the uk who got the information and dosage from his vet. He was a lifesaver. All my fish recovered and the worms were gone. I also used an antibacterial on the fish afterwards to get rid of secondary infection due to the worms. My old post with the dosage should be on here somewhere. I think its titled Platy with something hanging out. Well I'm falling asleep so I'd better go to bed before I fall on me face. LOL Let me know how youre fish are doing. Take Care Ha I found the topic here it is
Thank you very much, I will go buy that food tomorrow from the LFS. Hopefully she will eat it.
Today after work, I went to the LFS and bought a food that eliminates parasites. It contains Lavamisole, and treats against nematodes. I also bought a Gel incase they dont eat this food.

Upon getting home, I noticed the red/pinkish thing gone from her anal area, no other visible signs of anything. So I crushed up the food and fed it to both my tanks, my second tank has 2 bettas with a divider to prevent any fight clubs. All the fish ate it, even my 2 little Molly fry gobbled it up. I treated the Bettas incase of cross-contamination. Would hate for Jack Sparrow and Will Turner to get sick :(

I am wondering if this thing was not a nematode or callamanus worm because the thing was gone when I came home today, mind you I put Aquari-sol in lastnight which is suppose to be anti-parasite medication. This food says it can be served with anti-parasite treatments, so least I am double covered right now.

When would be a good time to give it a 100% water change? Is 100% water change even needed? My tank is cycled and I am afraid if I did a 100% water change my two little baby Mollies might take the change harshly.

Do you think maybe the Aquari-Sol treatment might have killed off that worm? The fish in question is still swimming around and acting normal, no sign of lethargy or odd behaviour.

Thanks for any additional feedback and for all your help so far. It is very much appreciated!
Camallanus only protrudes some of the time, so I wouldn't say it was necessarily gone. The 100% water change is only if you dose levamisole to the whole tank. It is not needed if you use the medicated food. Be sure to follow the full feeding schedule so that any stragglers are taken care of.
Ugh, thought maybe it left her!

Yup it says feed 1-2 times a day, 3 days straight for four weeks. So every Sunday to Tuesday for the next four weeks I am going to feed them this food.
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