something wierd in my tank?? need help, have drawing

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 7, 2006
i was doing a water change today in my 55 gallon. as i was dumping the water out i noticed stuff moving around in the gunk that didnt go down the drain yet. at first i thought they were little bugs but when i picked one up it didnt have the exoxkeleton feel of an insect. i guessing they might be fry? i have zebra danios, bolivian rams, black neon tetras, and one male molly. i attached a drawing of what they look like, and they are aproximetly 4mm long. are black when looking on top but almost clear from the sides. thanks


  • tankthing_379.jpg
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From your diagram, I would guess fry too- probably danios. Congrats!
If you want to try saving the next batch, you can get an artificial grass spawn mat from the lfs. It provides a place for the fry to hide from other fish and your gravel vac.
yeah im starting to think they are danio babies too, i remember a week or so ago my girlfriend commenting on how fat one of the danios was. and now i dont see any that are fat(pregnant i guess). this is my first fry experience, when i first saw them i thought oh crap i have some sort of parasites or something taking over my tank.i transfered about 10-15 to a container with tank water in it so i could get a better look at them. i put those in my quarentine tank that just has a newly purchased bushynose pleco. ill look into the grass for them to hid in for next time, i fell kinda bad about washing most of them down the drain.

thanks for your help :D
Are you sure your Molly is a male? Wouldn't think fry from Danios would be black.
Just a thought...

I have a single zebra danio fry - it looks just like your diagram. It's small, but it's tripled its size in the past 2 weeks.
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