Split tail in goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2014
I have 2 comets and a black moor. I noticed a split in the tail of one comet yesterday. Today the other one too has a split tail. They light chasing each other. I do not know if they are bullying or playing? And I do not know if it fin rot. Please help

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I have 2 comets and a black moor. I noticed a split in the tail of one comet yesterday. Today the other one too has a split tail. They light chasing each other. I do not know if they are bullying or playing? And I do not know if it fin rot. Please help

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Welcome to AA!!!

Can you please provide some more information so that we can better help you?

Tank size? Parameters? Water change schedule? How long you have had these fish? Diet? Pictures would also be helpful. Thanks!

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Hi. Thank you for replying. The tails have healed now. However my nitrate is high. Ammonia and nitrite is fine. I added plants but still the level won't drop.

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Do you regularly clean out the filter (with aquarium water, only!)?

I find my nitrates fall after I have cleaned my filter every 2 weeks.

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Thank you. The problem is now solved but I have a new situation. My ammonia and nitrite is fine but nitrate is very high. Got live plants too.please advice
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