St. Louis area - moving and need to give fish away (boohoo)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 30, 2012
Hi - I'm moving to Cincinnati from St. Louis and have fish that need to be reformed as I have no way of moving an established tank at this point. I would love it if someone could take all the fish - it's a 55 gallon tank (I will keep the tank and re-establish once we're settled) - have 8 Rainbows (4 Red Iranian, 3 Turquoise, and 1 Boesman), 10 Neon Tetras, 10 White Clouds, and 3 Peppered Cories. They all get along really well, no one picks on another and it's a gorgeous colorful group. I plan on restocking with the same. Anyway, if anyone can take them let me know - I'm in the metro east - Millstadt area.
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