Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith

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I can see that now Billy, but I didnt even think about it then.....I'll check it out when I go see it again! :p
It could honestly been what Lucas was going for, stressing the mechanical construct vader had become, it just seemed clunky to me and didn't fit. Other than that I loved the scene.

Put on a firefighters gear, or something of that nature for the first time and see how hard it is to move. This suit was designed to save his life, which by the way he was close to death when he was found, so I thought it was approiate taking in all the factors.
Given the prosthetic legs and the prosthetic arm as well as the suit and mask I can see how it would take some getting used to as far as moving around. The first steps with out the lower legs would be aquard indeed and thus the stiff frankenstein style movements would almost be expected. I can see someone walking like that fir the first time with fake lower legs and feet or falling down entierly. Given Vaders stigma I dont see them showing him weak by any means by the inability to walk with his new legs.

The comment about being annoyed with somoene in the theater reminded me of the guy behind me snoring during the movie. Thats right he was asleep. Either that or some really annoying kids playing a snore sound track to see peoples reactions. I never turned around to check.
Thats right he was asleep.

I would have woken him up, even if you needed to do it sneakily. That's what black jujifruits are for, after all! Toss one over your shoulder or something. :p

I couldn't have watched the movie with snoring right behind me - it's getting under my skin just imagining it! :x
I would have woken him up, even if you needed to do it sneakily

I would have gotten him up, no matter. I paid for the ticket to see the movie, not to hear someone sleep through it. I mean really, how could you sleep through some of those fights? :roll:
To anyone wondering if they should watch the movie...If you hated the last two movies as much as I did- it was a tremendous improvement. People will have their quams (sp?) about the movie, but as a true Star Wars fan, it was great. It made me proud to be a dork Star Wars fan again.

Kudos on the last movie.
Wow...its taken just two weeks for 'Sith' to be in the top 28 grossing films of all time....I wonder if it will eventually edge Phantom Menace out of the top 5 of all time and hit $1 billion? I guess I had better go see it some time this month... :p
BillyZ said:
the way he ripped his shackles off, and stepped forward like his legs were stiff as boards and weighed 100 pounds each. quote]

There was a lot of machinery to those legs...and probably did weigh 100 lbs each. The "poor" guy was nearly dead on the side of a lava river...the fact he could stand up was impressive, most impressive. I sure it would take anyone a while to get to use an entire prosthetic body. We never got to see how long it took Anakin and Luke to get used to their prothetic hands.

The only thing that irked me about the movie was the Wookie "Tarzan Call" as they were swing on the ropes..but Chewbacca did the same thing in perhaps it is a Wookie thing.

I thought the movie was AWESOME!! I was about the furthest away from home (Maine) as you can get in San Deigo the week it opened. Luckily I was able to get some tickets from the San Diego Star Wars Society and see the midnight premire in a THX Certified Digital Theater! I had NEVER seen anything like it before!! We don't have theaters like that in Maine. I saw the movie also when I got back at the local theater....and it was like watching it from a VHS tape compared to the Digital Theater.

I just discovered the Lounge today (reading all the Barbara Walters posts!). But I have to admit that I am a true Star Wars nerd. I made my husband an Obi-wan costume (from A New Hope) several years ago as a surprise Christmas gift. He would have worn it at the midnight showing (he went with a friend), but someone else tore the robe a while back and without the robe the costume just looks like...well, pajamas (that was the pattern I modified)! I saw the movie opening day at a more reasonable hour with a friend. (We don't have any babysitters and our kids are way too young to watch any of the Star Wars movies.)

How is this for being Star Wars nerds? Our kids are named Luke and Leah! :)

Edited b/c I forgot to mention that I really enjoyed this one, much more than ep 1or 2, but it will never rank as high as the original three, esp my favorite Empire Strikes Back.

i thoguht it was funny when vader finds out that padme dies and he does that NOOOO!! thing in the deep voice.
I finally saw it today. It was pretty good. The acting in the beginning of the film I thought was lacking. Over all though it was MUCH better than the last two.
There was this couple in front of us who got a phone call in the middle of the movie :evil: And get this, the guy is talking on the phone and he goes " hey I can barely hear you" to the person on the other line. Well, you are in a LOUD theater, DUH!!! My husband almost jumped over the seats! :lol:
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