Starting up a shrimp tank [Help Needed]

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2015
Hello, I have just acquired a 29G Tank. I already have a freshwater tank so I want someone really unique in this tank. Maybe shrimp? Anyone else have any ideas? If not, I have never kept shrimp, how should I get started? What type of plants, what kind of shrimp, what temp should I keep it at, how many should I put in the tank, what else can go in there with them, can a pleco still be used to keep glass clean, how should I cycle this tank to start off with? All of these questions! lol. Thanks for any help!
A 29g would be a huge shrimp tank, especially since it's rather deep (tall) and shrimp tend to spend most of their time on the bottom.

Any of the Neocaridina would be ok to start with (RCS, orange sakura, rili, yellow, etc). They definitely need an established tank. Substrate can be sand or gravel and they do appreciate plants especially mosses. Things like cholla wood, Indian almond leaves, etc are beneficial in providing biofilm. They can be kept at a wide range of temperatures, really anywhere from 60 to 82° although they breed best at 70° and above. Shrimp only tanks really only need to be fed every other day or so.

The only fish that are absolutely shrimp safe are otos. Even nano fish will eat shrimplets which are very tiny.
A 29g would be a huge shrimp tank, especially since it's rather deep (tall) and shrimp tend to spend most of their time on the bottom.

Any of the Neocaridina would be ok to start with (RCS, orange sakura, rili, yellow, etc). They definitely need an established tank. Substrate can be sand or gravel and they do appreciate plants especially mosses. Things like cholla wood, Indian almond leaves, etc are beneficial in providing biofilm. They can be kept at a wide range of temperatures, really anywhere from 60 to 82° although they breed best at 70° and above. Shrimp only tanks really only need to be fed every other day or so.

The only fish that are absolutely shrimp safe are otos. Even nano fish will eat shrimplets which are very tiny.

Would you recommend anything else for a 29g unique tank?
Hillstream and/or brookstream loaches!
Do you know alot about them? What else are they compatiable with, and about how many should I keep ina 29G tank? All I know is they are algae eaters, so I should wait until my tank is established. Thanks for any input!
Do you know alot about them? What else are they compatiable with, and about how many should I keep ina 29G tank? All I know is they are algae eaters, so I should wait until my tank is established. Thanks for any input!

To be truthful hillstream and brookstream loaches are best kept with other hillstream and brookstream loaches. Think of them like african cichlids. Mostly because they need cooler temperatures and ridiculous amounts of water flow. You can keep them with very active schooling fish like danios or certain barbs and tetras.

As for food, you can let your tank be established to get algae for them. Another neat trick is to have a small outdoor container with some decent sized rocks that you can allow to grow lots of algae and then transfer into the tank.

How many you keep depends on the kinds you get. Most stay smaller than 4 inches and get along well enough so I would get somewhere between 8 and 12 of them.

The following article is the best resource out there:

Hillstream Loaches - The Specialists at Life In The Fast Lane — Loaches Online
Maybe it's just me, but I find my pepper corys to be shrimp safe. I have 7 in a tank with some rcs, filter is more of a threat to the shrimp than the corys ever have been.

Imo a foam prefilter is a must on any shrimp tank, i thought I was safe until I saw one in the filter box.

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Maybe it's just me, but I find my pepper corys to be shrimp safe. I have 7 in a tank with some rcs, filter is more of a threat to the shrimp than the corys ever have been.

Imo a foam prefilter is a must on any shrimp tank, i thought I was safe until I saw one in the filter box.

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Foam prefilter, I will definitely do that! Thanks. How often do you have to clean/replace your foam?
I made mine from an aquaclear foam insert. I have only had it for a week, but i would guess cleaning every other week maybe once a month. The foam doesn't fall apart easily so I don't see a replacement any time soon

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