stocking 38 g column

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 19, 2012
my tank is finally cycled.! I have been waiting 20 years to get angels again
any suggestions to how many I can put in a 38g column and what would be some good tank mates? I have a parrot fish I would like to move over with the angels as he is in with cichlids which I have been told is bad. The parrot is an aggressive lil bugger but they are supposed to be compatible with angels

also there are 2 tetras in the 38. I plan on getting dollar sized angels

I also have an african knife fish, a birchir, and a pitbull pleco and a dolphin fish now in with the cichlids (1 lab and 1 bumble bee)
any opinions?
I want to stock the 38 gallon with compatible good fish then I will add to fill in any holes in the 55g cichlid.
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