Stocking 55 gallon tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 9, 2011
Hi guys! I was gonna get a 46 gallon tank but at the same price I can get a 55 gallon:
Top Fin® 55 Gallon Starter Kit - Fish - Sale Category - PetSmart

so now for stocking. Here is my 46 gallon stocking list:
8 Cardinal tetras
1 Pearl gourami
7 Cherry barbs
8 Cories
2 cockatoo cichlids
2 german blue rams
5 rummy nose tetras

This is what im thinking for a 55 gallon:
10 Cardinal tetras
1 Pearl gourami
10 Cherry barbs
8 Cories
2 cockatoo cichlids
2 german blue rams
8 rummy nose tetras
1 leleupi

What else can I do? Im thinking more top dwellers (not hatchet fish please) as the gourami is the only one. it will be planted by the way! thnx
i swim said:
What else can I do? Im thinking more top dwellers (not hatchet fish please) as the gourami is the only one. it will be planted by the way! thnx

For top dwelling, you can go with killies or zebras. I actually put some (all green) glofish (which are modified zebra danios if you're unfamiliar) in mine and they all dart around the top level of my tank... Pretty fun to watch, especially with their vibrant color.
doe anyone have a turtle in their tank? i just saw a vid of a turtle in a fish tank. it looks cool. input?
I have a female yellow bellied slider with 2 goldfish and one blue gourami. She gets along with them very well. They came with the tank when I bought it...
ya. never mind the turtles. im not gonna get those. i want fish only! lol! i like my stocking list a lot but my concern is leleupi. i really like em but there isn tmuch info on them. help?
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