Just to chime in on the thought of SA/CA CICHLIDS co-existing with each other I've had a 6in RD, 6in JD, 3in GT, 3in, tiger Oscar, 2in Texas, 2in FH, and a 1.5in jag along with 1 big 1 small Pleco in my 55 for going on 4 months now and no fighting at all. Other then the normal chasing here and there they all pretty much have they're own spots in the tank to resort to (caves, plants, slate rock formation, flowerpots, ect). Call me lucky but I interact with my fish alot and they all seen very happy together, swim around freely, come right up to the front glass when I walk up to the tank. I'm eventually going to move them all to a 180gal as soon as I can find one.