Stocking ideas 30 Hex

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2013
Hello everyone, I'm seeing what everyones opinion is on stocking my 30 gallon hexagon. It currently has

7 Von rio tetras
1 emperor terra
1 Raphael catfish

I did have angelfish but they recently all died due to what I believe an internal parasite. I added a fish a few days prior and I believe it brought something with it and wiped them out. I'm thinking of adding another pair of angels in the future or maybe Bolivian rams. I like gbr but from what I here they are sensitive to hard water and mine is hard. Any suggestions would be great thanks!
all i can say is the Raphael catfish will have to be moved to a bigger tank or brought back to the petstore, as they will get to big for that tank (up to 8 inches) normally they can be kept in a 30 long tank, though in a hex there is just not enough swimming room
Rams might fit better. Or maybe just 1 angel. My angels are outgrowing my 29 gallon.
Well what do you recommend in place of the Raphael when I do move him. I've had him for awhile and did not realize how big he would get when I got him
Is it a spotted or stripped raph? The spotted only grow to about 6" and will be fine, if it is a striped twit will grow to large for a 30g hex. I would only do 1 angel in this tank, not a lot of room for two. 1 angel, 1 German blue, and a couple more emperor.
Alright thanks and yes it is striped not spotted
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