Stocking Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 16, 2004
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I currently have a 72 gal tank with 100 lbs lr and 90lbs ls. Thanks has been up and running for almost a year. I have 1 yellow tang (just added to main tank), 2 percula clowns, 3 blue/green reef chromis, 2 fire blood shrimp, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp and snails and hermits. I really like the tang since he is always swimming. The clowns and chromis seem to spend a lot of time hiding out at the back of the tank. Keeping in mind that I plan on getting corals in the next 6 months what other active fish do you suggest I add?

My list of possible tank mates:

Diamond Watchman Goby or Yellow Watchman Goby
Mandarin Fish (still at least 6 months away)
Royal Gamma
Lawnmower Blenny
Pistol Shrimp
Emerald Crab

the list looks pretty good but will pretty much max you out. I would skip the blenny and call it good.
I would skip the royal gramm as they can be agressive. Watchman Gobies are so cool!
If your looking for a active a wrasse is a good fish to have, you need a cover to the tank if you get one of them...
RG are very nice fish I have one and he has worked out well.
Thats strange about the chromis, mine are always out front zipping all over the tank..
The grammas can be aggressive, but add them near the end and all should go well. They tend to be aggressive specifically with other fish that resemble themselves.
I would skip the royal gramm as they can be agressive. Watchman Gobies are so cool!
I have never had an issue with aggression with any of my royal gramas. They can be aggressive towards their own species, but I have never seen it directed at any other fish in my tank. I do agree...watchman gobies are very cool! 8) The relationship between my yellow watchman and my pistol shrimp is just amazing.
EELectric said:
Just want to make sure you have a sump and refugium if you plan on keeping a mandarin. HTH

I have a 20 gal sump that will be modified to include a fuge before I get the mandarin.
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