Stocking questions/suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 31, 2019
Hey everyone. I need some advice and suggestions as I plan my stocking list for my 36 gallon bowed tank that is in the middle of a fishless cycle.

I currently have 5 glofish tetras (white skirt tetras) and a balloon Molly that will be moved there when cycling finishes. Here are what I'm considering adding.

1. 2-3 more skirt tetras. I was thinking a black skirt long fin, and a white skirt. But I want to make sure they'll school with the glofish tetras I already have since I believe they are the same species.

2. Black molly and dalmatian molly (to join the balloon molly). Are there any number requirements for them? Can they happy be solo? My balloon Molly seems happy alone. I am hoping to make sure they don't breed and just get one per species. I don't want to deal with fry.

3. A school (8 or so) neon tetras.

4. Variety of collorful Platties (4?). Same question as with the mollies. Can I get just one per species to prevent fry?

5. 1-2 Nerite snails and or mystery snails. Thoughts? I don't want them to multiply though.

6. Bottom feeders. Any advice? I know mollies will clean a lot of the tank and the snails will help too, but I would like some bottom dwellers that won't grow too big. I like Cories and Kuhli Loaches but I have black rock substrate and don't think that would be good for them.

7. A show fish. I really like the idea of a beta , but I don't think that will work with the tetras I want. So I'm thinking two dwarf gouramis.

8. I also thought some ghost shrimp would be fun, but they'll probably get eaten. Is that true?

Thank you for the help and advice!
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