strange eye issue with GBR

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 5, 2012
First, my tank is a 30 gal ..very well planted, all parameters are good and I do water changes every 4 days (25 to 50%). Use well water and RO to get pH about 6.8. There are 2 GBRs, 4 cories and 5 black phantom tetras and a few crystal shrimp and Cherry red shrimp that I haven't been able to remove from the tank. The temperature is at 81.

One of my GBRs has a bulging eye. It has been like this for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes it looks like it is getting clearer and more normal, then it seems to swell and become almost like a thick cataract. He/she?? eats well, has no other symptoms and seems to be able to see enough to target food. Behavior is still normal too..chasing the tetras and the other GBR. I have purchased medications but am reluctant treat the tank since no other fish has this issue and my GBR is normal in all other respects. Any thoughts? Are there parasites that target eyes? I have also wondered if this is just a possible injury that is healing strangely.. Thanks for any suggestions :)
You can try Epsom salt to help release the fluid that is causing the eye to swell. It could be caused from either an injury to the eye, or it could be pop eye. The latter is a bacterial infection that could spread to your other fish if it's not treated. If you have a qt I would transfer the fish to it and begin treatment.
Thanks, I have Melafix and just set up a hospital tank. I have Epsom salts but how much do I safely add per gallon?
1/2 tsp per gallon. I wouldn't use melafix for this issue. It won't do any good. I would do 15 minute epsom dips, don't add it straight to the tank.

Since being* referred* to this page it has become a favorite for me when it comes to illnesses. If you check out the link it should help you out.
I believe the Epsom salt is 5ml or one teaspoon per one gallon. If you have scaleless fish or fish that are sensitive do half that though. I hope it just an eye injury and not bacterial. I'd start with the salts and turn up the heat a little and hold off on melafix. To be honest I don't think melafix does a lot for taking care of infections. I think its good for relaxing them and possibly helping coating of their scales/fins. I usually use it if I see scratches or fins nipped. It's tea tree oil. I use metro+ or super ich cure when the natural ways don't work. Let me know how you make out. I'll be rooting for you and your ram :)
Thanks so much for the help! and the great web page link..I think I will do a water change tonight and move my friend tomorrow morning to begin treatment. I really believe that this is the result of an injury because it is in just one eye and other than this, the fish seems quite healthy.
So Popeye is still hanging in ..sometimes his eye seems to be clearing, other times it looks swollen. He/she is still eating well and acting normal. I did another water change tonight and have set up a 20 gallon long tank as a hospital tank. But how do I establish the necessary bacteria in the 20 tank when I will dose it with antibiotics right away? I did add a few gallons of water from his current tank and some plant material. I can get the temp up now ..I hope I don't kill my GBR trying to get it better :(
bonibelle said:
So Popeye is still hanging in ..sometimes his eye seems to be clearing, other times it looks swollen. He/she is still eating well and acting normal. I did another water change tonight and have set up a 20 gallon long tank as a hospital tank. But how do I establish the necessary bacteria in the 20 tank when I will dose it with antibiotics right away? I did add a few gallons of water from his current tank and some plant material. I can get the temp up now ..I hope I don't kill my GBR trying to get it better :(

First.. Breathe.. ;-) do you have an already established tank with a really gooey filter? If so take that (as long as you have enough bacteria in that tank so not to cause it to crash) put it in the qt. Not the charcoal part though. Just the sponge. Using the old tank water is the best too. Keep your Gbr in there with the heat raised for a few days doing the Epsom salt and observe him/her if you start to notice any other warning signs such as not eating, change in swimming pattern or more swelling/ bumps then I'd start with the meds. I don't like medicating right off in case it is something that can be treated without chemicals. I think it's better for the fish. But I will treat with meds if I don't see an improvement with in a certain time period. (depending on the symptoms) keep us updated. I'm rooting for you and your Gbr. I have a special spot in my heart for these guys.
Update: Popeye was impossible to catch in my planted tank without ruining everything and upsetting my other fish. So I kept doing water changes and also established a 20 gallon hospital tank. I put driftwood, some plants, slate and a filter from my other well established tank along with a new heater and air stone. The water turned tea colored from the driftwood that had not completely leached out in my pond. I thought the tannins might prove to be medicinal. In any case yesterday I found Popeye on his side behind driftwood. He wasn't doing well at all. I was able to easily catch him and put him in the hospital tank. I expected to find him dead this morning but he was happily swimming and ate well. So far I have increased the water temperature and added medication for fungus and bacterial infections. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that he continues to improve. :)
I hope your fishy is ok! My Manny loved his "Salt baths" when he was ailing!
here is a good link to help diagnose your fish. I am not an expert on this stuff, but sure am learning fast. check the chart and tell us what you think it is.

if it is pop eye then you can treat with maracyn (erithromycyn). if so, you need to treat it now. seems like it has been going on for a while.

Fish Eye Disorders
I'm going to try the epsom salt dips but he was in such bad shape last night that I just wanted to get him settled in the hospital first. Maybe tomorrow I can start the dips :)
Keep us posted. I'm glad you got him separated from the others. Trust me the hard work of chasing him and setting up another tank is really worth it. Ime I didn't separate mine and I lost almost all of my fish. Hard lesson learned there. Has there been any improvements with his eye at all?
It is hard to believe, but this little guy is still hanging on. The eye is better than it was in the big tank, but not normal. I went to Petsmart and got API tetracycline ..(The Maracyn was $21.00, the tetracycline ony $14) and it is effective for both gram negative and gram positive infections. Either this is a very strong fish, or the infection isn't as bad as it looks. I havent taken him out of the hospital to dip him in epsom salts yet..I guess I am afraid to stress him ..(and me :( )
I wouldn't worry about the dips if you have the meds now. just treat him following the directions on the bottle. I'm happy to hear he's doing well. That is a good sign!!
So all these weeks later, Popeye still lives...He has been in a hospital tank and after two antibiotic treatments and a couple of weeks to be sure he was completely cured, he is ready to go into a new tank. As a result of the eye issue however, he is blind in that eye. But he eats and swims just fine. Hopefully he will continue to thrive when he is reintroduced. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help :)
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