Strange growth on Baloon Mollie

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
It had the coloration of the fish before, so I didn't notice it until today.

But my balloon molly [ A black/gold/white speckled beauty ] has a strange groth at the begining base of his dorsal fin.

To simplify it, it looks like he has a giant forhead now, I'm unsure of what it is.. I'll try to get a pic, but as of yet he runs and hides whenever he sees the camera so its impossible to get a pic.

He had this before I started treatment, however I am currently reating the tank for ich with high temps.
William could it be possible that your balloon molly has a cyst. A cyst is basically a round growth protruding from the fish.
I don't know if there is any treatments for cysts, but i am sure someone will advise you soon.
I do know that cysts can be caused by parasites, fungi etc.... but i'm no expert.
Its much larger then any cyst I've ever seen, its as long as his body his wide.

He seems in good health, and I'm still trying to get the pic, Little booger runs away from me like the plauge when he sees the camera however.
I know its hard to diagnose without pictures.

I don't know what it is, so I really don't want to stress the Molly by doing something such as, catching it and putting it into a smaller container to take pictures, then puting it back into the main tank.
I thing I figured out what was the problem.

I saw today a black baby Sailfin Molly was chasing the balloon around, acting like it was...eating the flesh in mouthfuls off the balloon... I think that growth may have been a wound cased by this, but I'm not possitive.

I'll watch it closely, Now that I have the aggressive attacker out of the tank, if it gets worse I'll post more.
Hi there.. I don't know if this will help.. but I had a small molly witha pink colored cyst (or protrustion) on its body, I also thought it might have been cased by an attack from its larger tank mate or a fungal infection as I had ick in the tank. I added some salt to the tank along with the jungle ick guard and the cyst cleared up in about 3 days.

I'm not sure if it was the salt, the ick guard (that malachite green is a bit of a cureall from what ive read) or just the natual healing process, but my molly who I was very worrid about is not happy healthy and the most playful one in the tank.

Good luck!

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