Strange Red Dot On Electric Yellow

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2008
Where ever the flow go
I was just checking out my aquariums today and my Electric yellow cichlid pops out. I noticed there was a red dot on the top of his head/forehead area. It's just a small red dot. I don't know how it got there. I don't know what it is either. Please reply to this.
My electric yellow tends to look "dirty" for some reason.. Not sure on the red dot, post if you figure out what it is/was... I'm curious.
I have heard the "dirtyness" comes from too much something in their diet. I can't remember!

FCBBOMB-is the dot sticking out? How big is it? Does the fish look roughed up in any way?
I had heard the dirty look was from a genetic defect introduced into the species... not sure though............

Well the dot went away but he passed on because on of my cichlids took the territory were the food goes into the tank so none of my cichlids get food so most of them died. Bad lol
i think maybe the fish joined a hindu church or something...that could explain the red dot.
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