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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 9, 2011
Hi! I was wondering if I could get some advice. I am not sure what substrate is best, sand or crushed coral. In both of my tanks I have the crushed coral. I am thinking of changing to sand. How much sand is needed for a 29 gallon and a 200 gallon saltwater tanks? I am new to this and when I put the substrate in my tanks all I had to pick from was crush coral. So how do I transfer this over and will this cause my tanks to recycle. I have expensive fish and I don't want to loose them. My tank levels are great. Look forward to advice and I am sure there will be criticism. Thanks!
There's no best substrate. Unless you have a specific need, just stay with what you have :)

My 29 gallon tank has had coral substrate for almost a year and my bigger tank since March. I do regular water changes and siphon out the decaying matter. Never had issues. Just curious if I am in the wrong. Thanks so much!
Its all about what you personally like and have available. There are pros and cons to all the substrate choices that are out there. CC while certainly not the most popular of today's choices is perfectly functional provided it is properly maintained, and has the added advantage of of helping to maintain the proper pH. If not properly maintained, it has the ability to become a nitrate trap and cause algae issues.

Sounds like you've got the maintainence figured out.
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