Suggestions for building height in my new tank.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 11, 2013
Manitoba, Canada
I recently purchased a 37 gallon tank (30"x12"x22" tall?). I have a Jewel Cichlid at the moment who will call this home. This tank has so much vertical space that I don't know what to do with yet. The tank the Jewel is calling home for now is a lot more compact, but she does tend to spend a lot of time near the bottom and inside the various hiding places in the tank.

I do want to stock this big tank with a little more that the single Jewel but I don't know what will be compatible. Maybe a school of something that likes the top of the tank?

I have a piece of driftwood ordered for the tank that is Y shaped and should stand up to about 17 inches. I want to develop some natural looking caves. I just don't know how to get the height while still having an attractive tank.

What do you think are some options for me to look into?
I will get a picture tonight when I am home. It is a blank slate right now. Only has a few requirments for my pretty Jewel Cichlid. Caves and places to make her teritories.

I have dirt and sand in the tank now and it is filled with water doing its cycle. Other than that it is empty. The drift wood I ordered might be here tonight so I might be able to show that as well.

I have a better light ordered as well (30" 2X31W 6700K) So that will allow for plants. Probably a few tall ones in the back (not sure which kind) and some lower ones to the front.
I will get a picture tonight when I am home. It is a blank slate right now. Only has a few requirments for my pretty Jewel Cichlid. Caves and places to make her teritories.

I have dirt and sand in the tank now and it is filled with water doing its cycle. Other than that it is empty. The drift wood I ordered might be here tonight so I might be able to show that as well.

I have a better light ordered as well (30" 2X31W 6700K) So that will allow for plants. Probably a few tall ones in the back (not sure which kind) and some lower ones to the front.

I'd try to attach some moss to the driftwood. It sounds like you've got it under control and it's gonna be a sweet tank
I am starting to get a vision for the tank. We will see what happens. For now I will just keep reading and learning. My wife might kill me if I don't do something with this big glass box of water in our living room soon. Took a month to cycle the little 20gallon tank. She was not impressed by it having no inhabatants.
I am starting to get a vision for the tank. We will see what happens. For now I will just keep reading and learning. My wife might kill me if I don't do something with this big glass box of water in our living room soon. Took a month to cycle the little 20gallon tank. She was not impressed by it having no inhabatants.

Haha move part of the old filter from the established tfilter over to this tank. It will make it go a lot faster
Did that a few days ago when I set up the tank. Added about 4ppm ammonia and it was about half gone as of last night. So it is a lot quicker than the first tank.
I would fill the background space with tall plants, your driftwood covered in moss and smaller plants like some anubias. Your rockwork for caves and hiding places will likely take up a good bit of background/middle ground space as well, and you could do some shorter plants in the foreground.

For other inhibitants I'd look towards some of your larger top dwellers, seems like there might be some of the larger, more aggressive tetras that might do ok in a large enough group with a jewel, you might also think about Syn. catfish species.
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