Suggestions for low light plants?

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Lance M.

Aquarium Advice Addict
May 1, 2004
South Carolina
I'm getting rid of my larger amazon sword plant since it's gotten too big for the tank. I wanted to get some more plants to fill the space that would only get a max of 8-9 inches tall. Any suggestions? I also have a baby amaazon sword, one stem of a giant hygro, and a piece of driftwood covered with lace java fern.
Most crypt and anubias species will do fine in low light. Anacharis, hornwort, and java moss too.
With the myriad of Java Fern, Cryptocoryne and Anubias species available, any low light tank can be just as diverse and beautiful as a hi-light, hi-tech tank. Look around and you will find some awesome stuff.
I agree with the other posts here and specifically recommend Cryptocoryne wendtii "red". It does well in both low and high light (I grow it in tanks with 1.5 to 3 wpg) and adds a nice red color as an alternative to that boring green :)
When I take the amazon out it opens up half the tank for planting! I guess I'll go with the crypt wendtii. I don't know how much light I have in the tank though. I have 2 ten watt flourescent bulbs (total 20 watt in ten gallon) so 2 watts per gallon, but I haven't replaced the bulbs yet and I'm pretty sure they have dulled in their output- that's y the amazon has just started to really take off and grow.
I was also thinking about adding some dwarf sag. I've had it before in another tank with goldfish, but they ate it so I never had a chance to see how it would do. Any suggestions?
Sagittaria sp. is a cool water plant and doesn't thrive above 79 F. Cryptocoryne balansae is a better choice as it is "val or sag-like" and does well in low light tanks.

Lots of luck in your search.
Go to google, choose images and type in Cryptocoryne balansae--you will find a lot of images. I think you will like the plant.
I looked at it on Google and the sites I visited said it needed strong light and grew to 20 inches. That would be too big and I don't have strong light. It also seems to be hard to find and it said it needed pH of 7.0-7.5 and my tank has pH of 6.6 (I checked yesterday)
Crypts are very adapatable and many of them thrive in a wide range of conditions and you will find perople's experience with them equally as diverse. My info says medium light, a pH of 6-8 and soft to very hard water. Though they say they grow tall, I have had them for years and never had one taller than 8 inches in a tank with lots of cover and a pH in the 6.5 range. Crypt. retrospiralis, a relative, gets much taller. I have them in stock right now, or you can bid for them on Aquabid.
Hmm... So basically just try them and see if it works out. I'm thinking about getting 2 small dwarf sags and putting them straight under the light bulb cause I know they need good lighting and I'll get some small crypt. wendtii and see how it goes.
That sounds fine---I find plants to be more adaptable than some people give them credit. Give it a try!!!

Lots of luck and keep us informed.

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