Suggestions for new 55g long

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 8, 2013
Posted in the new freshwater forum, but was suggested to xpost here. Picked up a new 55g long of craigslist that already has a corner overflow along with a sump (plus light/heater/etc). I've previously owned rift cichlids (no idea what to be honoest) along with oscars in an old 55g tall I had, but i was quite the novice at the time and really didn't cycle properly, filter properly, or stock properly. In an effort to do this right this time around, I'm looking for feedback on what to stock the tank with so I don't overdo it or put the wrong size fish (oscars) in it. My preference is to have a large number of small fish versus a small number of larger fish. Need to factor in having at least one pleco, plus maybe some syndonis(?) cats for cleaning duty.

Tank details: 55gal, long, corner overflow, acryllic. Picture here

Sump details: Aqualine brand, rated (per them) 450gph, 75g max capacity. approx 10gal in size (17"h x 20"l x 8"w at longest, 12"h at short end). I have a pump with it, forgot to grab the details on it, will try to update tonight when I get home). Picture of sump here

Misc stuff: Heater is 300watt, rated for up to 75g. Lights probably need to be replaced as they were plastic hood still ones not meant for acrylics, plus I'm looking at building a hood for the tank where I can make a proper light mount setup.
I'm open to that, I've had various rift lake ones (labs/mbuna/etc). I don't have any deco yet for the tank so I can go pretty much any direction with it. I'm hoping to go with alot of smaller fish (as I'd like a busy tank) so that I can handle the bioload, rather than a few large fish. The personality of the cichilds/oscars I've had always amused me.
I'm open to that, I've had various rift lake ones (labs/mbuna/etc). I don't have any deco yet for the tank so I can go pretty much any direction with it. I'm hoping to go with alot of smaller fish (as I'd like a busy tank) so that I can handle the bioload, rather than a few large fish. The personality of the cichilds/oscars I've had always amused me.

What if you went with lake victoria or tanganyika cichlid tank. There isn't to many people that begs those if any on here. I think would be cool
What if you went with lake victoria or tanganyika cichlid tank. There isn't to many people that begs those if any on here. I think would be cool

Tang sounds tougher due to more demanding water/oxygen levels, and they seem to be more open tanks (I kinda like the big rock walls of the malwai). The lake vic sounds cool, but they don't have an recommends on a setup for those, although the three they list as good beginner fish all look nice (Pundamilia nyererei,Haplochromis sp. "#44" , and Haplochromis sp. "ruby").
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