Sump Refugium / could use help

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 16, 2004
I'm looking at a couple of options for my tank.... drilling is not an option... Here is what I'm thinking

HOB Refugium with lighting,sand,LR, macro

Marineland overflow box that drains down into a "tank" for a refugium and sump, with light of course.

I'm looking at this for added quantity of water, and a place for pods and macro (nutrient export)

any of these sound possible??? any other ideas???
also......... if I do this.... will it cause any spikes in ammonia etc????
definitely no spikes unless you add uncured rock or sand. I use a small CPR aquafuge and it works well with my 46g. Better water quality since adding Chaeto and lots of shelter for pods.
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