Switching to flourescent bulbs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 23, 2004
British Columbia, Canada
My 10g betta tank came with incandescent bulbs. Since the lights heat the water up so fast, I never have them on, which is a drag. I read that I could switch to screw-in flourescent bulbs, since I don't want to have to replace the whole strip or cover. My concern is first getting this info verified. Is it ok, and safe, to use screw in flourescents, like the ones bought at Walmart in the light bulb section?(Would they be the spiraly ones? They look fatter than the incandescents) Also, the incandescent bulbs are 25W each, and there's two. What would I replace it with, watts wise? Thanks for any advice. :)

I've got one ten gallon tank with an incandescent hood. I replaced the two bulbs with the screw-in fluorescent types from the PET department at Wal-Mart. This gives me 20 watts of light on the tank (2 watts per gallon) which is adequate for the low- to medium-light plants. I have Java Fern (Microsorium), Oriental Water Fern (Ceratopteris) and an Aponogeton in that tank. The bulbs from the pet department have a little different spectrum than the regular screw-in fluorescents and are a little narrower. They work perfectly and look great!
Thank you :) I will check it out, though our WalMart has a pathetically small pet dept, so I don't know if they'll have them. I will definately check it out. I have silk plants in the tank, so I won't have to worry there. Thanks again!
Screw in Flourescents are designed for incadescent tank hoods. The aquarium light flourescents that is [ Not ones that, say, go in your lamp ]

I have them in my Wal-Mart 10gal kit for 2WPG [ 2 10 watt bulbs ] and plants used to grow like mad in it before teh tank shattered and I moved the plants to other tanks

[ Tank shattering had nothing to do with the bulbs, just SYK ]
Just a couple quick tips:

Those "aquarium plant" screw in flourescents (CFL from now on) are usually priced a bit higher. You can go to Lowes or Home Depot (didn't see em at ACE hardware though) and look for the packs of CFL bulbs that are 5500K (written on the white base of the light). If you find anything that lists 5000K up to 7000K on the white part of the bulb it is fine for growing plants and saves you money (I paid $3.20 a bulb or so at Lowes). These CFLs are actually available with a slim profile that will fit in the space for the incandescent. If the CFL does not list "XXXXK" and just has other cataloging numbers and whatever BS don't buy it...it is usually 3000-4000K "soft" lighting and no good for plant growth.

Now, if you DO NOT want plants. Get ANY CFL! You can buy the cheapest CFL you want it just may be more "yellow" (soft) in appearance like the incandescents. You don't need very many watts of lighting. Even CFLs give off heat (not as much as incandescents though).
It should be known that hte aquarium CFL can be found for dirt cheap. I bought mine for around 4 bucks a piece.
Okay, I just remember seeing them in the 6-7 dollar range at Petco or Petsmart (never really looked at a regular LFS).
I'll head out and see what's available in my small town. Now that I know to look for "CFL's", that'll make the job easier. I don't have live plants, so I don't need as intense light. I know our WalMart doesn't have them in their pet section, but maybe there's something in the light section. Otherwise I'll start checking hardware stores, then the LFS, which will definately be more expensive, if they even have them. I can also try online, too. (Before anyone suggests a place, I live in Canada, but we have BigAls online, so I'll head there, too.) Thanks for all the suggestions and advice! :D
err im not sure the cfls would fit in your hood.

oh nvm forgot it was a 10 gallon. yeah the cfls will look nice. im 100% sure. just make sure you clean of your evaporization thingy every now and then. lotsa hard water on those things
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