T5 lighting and corals

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 27, 2011
Aurora, Illinois
I have a question about a acapora and a montipora coral under a t5 system. I never under stood this but I understand the whole watts per gallon thing which isn't reliable but how is it if I have either coral on top of the highest life rock in my tank and only about two bulbs will hit it from a four bulb t5 aquatic life why do I need a six bulb?
two bulbs will still "hit it" but that doesn't mean there is less light hitting it. you should have one T5HO every 3-5 inches of tank width. that beign said on a 12" wide 55g aquarium you'd want to have a 4x54watt T5 light fixture with individual lamp reflectors on a 90g that is 18" wide 6x54watts.

with 1 lamp per 3 inches you can hows monties on the sand bed of a 24" deep aquarium and acros in the mid.

T5HOs are blinding bright dispite what some may think. they over power most MH lighting systems if done right and have a reflector that directs the light into a more focus beam penetrating extremely deep
4 lamp is still alright but yeah a 6 lamp would have been better.

you'll just need to move the SPS higher in the water columb
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