tall 58g tank, possible fishes

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 12, 2016
I recently acquired a 58g tall tank (dimensions 30"x 18"x 25")

Before I start building the stand, planting and cycling.

I want to know if since the length is limited(not being a shorter longer tank), does it mean less fish species suitable?
I have a general idea of having 2 angel fish species(don't know yet, maybe scalare or veil variations, is one of each possible?)
Maybe 2 corys

Is this possible or is this just too much? any other nice sized tankmates around 4" or bigger?
Yes that will work, but up the cories to at least 5.

You may also want to add a small school or tetras or rasboras. Just make sure to stay away from fin nippers. I'd go with 6 Peguin Tetras.

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