Tank mates??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 27, 2011
What are good colourful tank mates for...

x1 Angelfish 5"
x5 moustached danios 5"
x12 zebra danios 2"
x1 sailfin plec 11"
what about Livebearers? e.g. mollies, platies, swordtails

they are compatible with your fish and colourful too!

what size is your tank? that would help us make more suggestions.
Especially considering you already have 17 danios !!!
Bubble_B0y said:
what about Livebearers? e.g. mollies, platies, swordtails

they are compatible with your fish and colourful too!

what size is your tank? that would help us make more suggestions.
Especially considering you already have 17 danios !!!

I was thinking about swordtails

It's an 8ft tank not sure about gallons
bruinsbro1997 said:
What's the width and height? I would say that's somewhere around the 250-300 gallon mark so you'd have plenty of room.

8ftx2ftx2ft got lots of swimming space
I would german blue rams and cardinal tetras. Tankmates for angels need to be longer than an inch so they don't get eaten.
maxwellag said:
I would german blue rams and cardinal tetras. Tankmates for angels need to be longer than an inch so they don't get eaten.

There was 5 cardinals but the angel ate them.
wow, you have lots of options!

If you are looking to create a community tank around your angelfish, I suggest...

a school of corydoras
a school of the larger tetra species e.g. rummynose
a group of angelfish
a group of discus
a pair of gouramis
a pair of dwarf cichlids
Fishman94 said:
There was 5 cardinals but the angel ate them.

Oh... I have thread about a 36 gallon tank and in it we discussed what tankmates angels would be. I guess the cardinals aren't good in your case, because the angel(s) has/have to be young so they grow up not eating the other fish.
tmfish said:
nice school of Diamond tetras or congo tetras. Both very beautiful fish with great sparkling colors

I forgot about Congo tetras I might get them
How 'bout a school of boesmani or lake ktubu/tourqouise rainbows? Very colorful, highly active, mine got along great with my angels and you've got plenty of swiming room.

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