For Sale: Tanks and equipment..CA

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 12, 2011
Cali baby
Selling various fish tanks and equipment...PM me for prices on specific items!!! Pickup only for tanks, i might ship smaller items

40 gallon breeder back painted black
Matching Black stand
35-40 lbs of eco-complete gravel
AquaClear 50 Filter
various rocks/decor
Glass hood, no light
tank is in good shape

i will sell the tank, stand, hood, and gravel OR filter for $115

30 gallon formerly saltwater tank
Matching stand (brown)
Aqua Clear 70 filter
4 bulb T5HO fixture (only several months old!!! Will support any coral)
2 korolia 750 powerheads
1 eheim heater
Huge box, at least 50 lbs of base rock.

Ive got good deals on this setup! Lightly used!!!

2 ten gallon tanks.
each comes with a hood, and light
each also has varying decor and other items
both are in good shape

$50 bucks takes them both

all items were used for fish. I will take trades for saltwater fish, corals, and various equipment (looking for an ATO possibly)

Location: Mission Viejo, CA
The aquaclear 70 and the aquaclear 50 have been bought. 6 pounds of rock was also bought so we still have around 65 pounds of rock remaining.
Updated list...not too much left

35-40 lbs of dry eco-complete gravel
various rocks/decor

30 gallon formerly saltwater tank
Matching stand (brown)
4 bulb T5HO fixture (only several months old!!! Will support any coral)
1 eheim heater
Huge box, at least 60 lbs of base rock.

2 ten gallon tanks.
each comes with a hood, and light
each also has varying decor and other items
both are in good shape

$50 bucks takes them both

Location: Mission Viejo, CA
Okay guys what we have left is the 30 gallon tank with nice brown stand and the heater!! Also about 10-15 pounds of base rock.... :)
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