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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
I just put a piece of Mopani wood in my tank and I really don't mind the color. My question is, will the Tannins affect my Bio Wheel with the minor increase in acidity? Also, will the tannis affect my carbon filter?

Responses are greatly appreciated.
Activated carbon will remove the tannins from the water. Depending on the how long the carbon has been in the tank, it may already be useless. AC only lasts about two weeks until it stops absorbing.

It will not hurt your filter or anything like that.
Hi I have 3 rather large pieces of Mopani wood in my 190L and for the past year or so tannins are still leaching in to the tank they have been boiled put in the dishwasher on highest temp and still they carry on leeching I tried AC but didn't get great results to be honest but as post above says tannins are harmless some species actually prefer a tannin level in the tank hopefully yours is not as bad as mine and clears up soon it's beenso long I've actually forgotten what crystal clear water looks like
Thanks, it kind of looks like the natural habitat of some species anyway so my future pleco will fell right at home! Thanks all.
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