Tentative Coral plan: Please review

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 1, 2003
Okay, here it is. I am researching some corals I am wanting to add to my "reef". I have been reading, but I would like some personal experiences on the following corals. This is the order I have made up for liveaquaria. I probably won't order for several months though.

1.Toadstool Mushroom Leather

2.Button Polyps

3.Yellow polps, colony

4.Bubble Coral

5.Candy Cane Coral

6.Brain, Trachyphyllia

7. Hairy Mushrooms

Here is my current setup as of today: 55 gal, 220Watts PC, Aqua C remora/maxi-jet upgrade, 2in bed of aragamax sand, 65-70 lbs of live rock, 2 tomato clowns, 1 bicolor psuedo, numerous crabs and snails, 1 CBS, frag of star polyps-green, four red mushrooms, good coralline growth on glass and on rocks.

Thanks for the input!
One comment, sarcophyton toadstool leathers are known for releasing chemicals into the water as most octocorals do. That doesn't mean you can't keep them with other corals, running GAC 24/7 will help. Some corals are more sensitve than others to the soft coral's chemical warfare...just be informed. HTH
Would a different type of leather be a better choice then? E.G.--Devil's hand?
Most leathers and other corals carry out this "chemical warfare." I don't mean to say that you shouldn't get the toadstool leather, they are good starter corals, grow well and are easily propagated. Just be aware that keeping a lot of soft corals may require you to run GAC and/or do more frequent water changes to keep the effects of these chemicals in check. I've heard people tell of having problems keeping sps and some lps in a tank with leathers. I have 3 leathers in my 20 gallon tank, run GAC and do a weekly 3 gallon water change and I've seen no ill effects from the leathers.
If you don't have it, pick up a copy of Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" Its like a bible for coral keeping. It has lists of soft corals by toxicity and tons more info. HTH

7. Hairy Mushrooms
Rhodactis shrooms unless shipped very well will make your house smell like the inside of a cooler, left in the sun, with 100 pounds of raw fish inside, that has been sitting for a month. If they don't stress during shipping and acclimation, you'll be fine.
If you don't have it, pick up a copy of Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" Its like a bible for coral keeping.
go now... go go go buy it and read cover to cover. :lol: its the best text you'll find.
Best of luck, as far as the rest of your list goes I think you have picked responsibly and that those corals should give you the best shot at success so long as your tank is ready for them. Take care.
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