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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 15, 2010
When do you test your water? How often? Should I do it before or after water changes?
Depends... How long has the tank been up and running? I test daily while cycling, every other day once cycling is over for the first week or two... if everything looks good, I test the day after my pwc every week. If there is any reason to worry, I would do a follow up the next day and so on. Just dont get the mentality that you only need to test if something looks wrong, because generally if you see signs of something wrong, you've waited too late.
I check my water every few weeks. I use to check it every week. My tanks have been up and running for a long time now. Do what feels right.
when cycling you prob should be testing it every couple days until the end of the cycle. once cycled weekly tests for a month or two. maybe a couple more times a week when adding new fish. once the set up is stable monthly or so is fine. you should test before the water change.
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