Tetra doing flips?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2007
One of my Lemon Tetras is doing flips and trying to swim vertically out of the water, any idea what is wrong with him?
Check your water parameters. Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Try doing a water change.

That sort of behavior could indicate your fish is under some type of stress due to possible, poor water conditions. Check your parameters. If you don't have a test kit, try changing 50% of the water ASAP to see if there is any improvement in the behavior of the fish.
Alright, i did that. We'll see how it all plays out. He seems to be acting a little bit less crazy now... Too early to tell I guess.
I flushed the flipping tetra after watching him do his show for 8+ hours. This morning, the leftover 4 fish are all surviving. Sad day.
i dunno...
i would just monitor them for a lil bit. i have 3 lemon tetras, 3 diamond tetras, and 3 minor tetras, and they can get a lil quirky sometimes. they really like to play alot.
keep us posted
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