tetras, danios and fin-nipping

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 27, 2010
Do you think long-fined varieties of tetras and danios would be less inclined to fin-rip other fish, since they got long-fins them self? Any personal experience?
Not at all.

I have a longfinned variety of black skirt tetra and they are very nippy.

I also HAD some longfinned lepard danios. They were so nippy I had to house them with my blue crayfish. She was meaner.

It totally depends on the general temperment of the fish type, and there are always bound to be some variations in the individual temperments in fish that are said to be peaceful.

This is especially true in bettas with long fins. Some are great, peaceful community fish, others are somewhat nippy to downright viscious.
Not at all.

I have a longfinned variety of black skirt tetra and they are very nippy.

I also HAD some longfinned lepard danios. They were so nippy I had to house them with my blue crayfish. She was meaner.

It totally depends on the general temperment of the fish type, and there are always bound to be some variations in the individual temperments in fish that are said to be peaceful.

This is especially true in bettas with long fins. Some are great, peaceful community fish, others are somewhat nippy to downright viscious.
Do they nip each other? How they manage to keep long fins long?
Yes, they nip and squabble at each other all the time.

They had fin rot when I got them, but most of that has grown back. However, they keep it up all the time. I have a photo posted in my profile album "my tanks."
Yes, they nip and squabble at each other all the time.

They had fin rot when I got them, but most of that has grown back. However, they keep it up all the time. I have a photo posted in my profile album "my tanks."

Too bad :confused: Trying to figure out what fish I can safely add to my fancy guppies...
There are many varieties of tetra, I'd think you'd be able to find some you like that would live peaceably with your guppies. Many of the smaller tetra are non-agressive and would make good tank mates. Even some of the larger ones would probably work as well. I have Black skirt tetra and Pristella tetra and while the Black skirts have a reputation as nippers, all of my tetra are very peaceful.
Coleallensmom is right about that. There are tons of fish that will get along just fine with guppies. Rasboras are another nice choice, if you go for one of the smaller varieties.

A nice start for a long finned peaceful fish might be a betta, though you can only keep one per tank. You can tell if a betta has a mellow nature by finding one at your lfs that is already housed in a community tank, that way you'll know its doesn't have an aggressive nature. A nice one adds a lot of personality to a tank.
Why tetras? Like it has been said Rosboras are a beautiful schooling fish. But if you go with tetras there are peaceful tetras like.....
Black neons and so on
Why tetras? Like it has been said Rosboras are a beautiful schooling fish. But if you go with tetras there are peaceful tetras like.....
Black neons and so on

I really like rummynose and some of rasboras, but all of the fish profile websites ( I have checked a dozen or so) and all the books that I have say that the fish listed above don't do well long term in a hard, alkaline water... They say that rasboras and most of the tetras will survive for a while in a hard water, but the colors would be washed out, they will not be happy and have shortened lifespan...
There are many varieties of tetra, I'd think you'd be able to find some you like that would live peaceably with your guppies. Many of the smaller tetra are non-agressive and would make good tank mates. Even some of the larger ones would probably work as well. I have Black skirt tetra and Pristella tetra and while the Black skirts have a reputation as nippers, all of my tetra are very peaceful.

Problem with many tetra species that it is hit and miss. For most (other then small like neons, etc.) you can find posts in forums where people reporting aggressive fish. Rather then taking chances I would like to find a 100% solid peaceful schooling fish (an equivalent of corries) which would be happy in a hard water ( I live in a very hard water area).
Problem with many tetra species that it is hit and miss. For most (other then small like neons, etc.) you can find posts in forums where people reporting aggressive fish. Rather then taking chances I would like to find a 100% solid peaceful schooling fish (an equivalent of corries) which would be happy in a hard water ( I live in a very hard water area).

Which is why I suggested small tetra. Neons, Glowlights, Black neons.. I've not heard of any of those being aggressive killer fish.
Which is why I suggested small tetra. Neons, Glowlights, Black neons.. I've not heard of any of those being aggressive killer fish.

Will these guys be happy in hard water though?
Black neons
Just now reading your water parameters. Many tetra prefer a lower PH and softer water. Can you check with your LFS to find out what their parameters are in their tetra tanks? While harder water may not be ideal, fish bred and raised in a hard water area should still do well.

Most livebearers like hard water I believe. What about mollies or swordtails? Bettas, paradise fish, gouramis..
Just now reading your water parameters. Many tetra prefer a lower PH and softer water. Can you check with your LFS to find out what their parameters are in their tetra tanks? While harder water may not be ideal, fish bred and raised in a hard water area should still do well.

Most livebearers like hard water I believe. What about mollies or swordtails? Bettas, paradise fish, gouramis..

Because of hard water I was keeping mostly platies, mollies and swordtails for a few years. I would like to try something new, also my daughter really like to get zebra fish or some of the tetras. Her favorites are Serpae, red phantom and cave tetras. Cave tetras would thrive in our water, but it is a big no for my wife. I am holding off zebra fish and Serpae for now, since we don't want our guppies shredded.
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