The Battle for Middle Earth

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 28, 2004
I don't know how many of you out there are LOTR fans, but you know who you are and have probably looked around for aquarium decor that look similar to Helm's Deep, Minas Tirith, Orthanc, etc.

The idea struck me when I saw the ROTK special box set that came with the CD case sculpted by Weta. It looks simply amazing. I think it's made from a polystone of sorts. I already have the regular ROTK DVD and didn't feel like popping $60 on it just so I can dunk the CD case in the aquarium. Does anyone out there have any idea where I can find LOTR-ish aquarium decor? I'd greatly appreciate it. Hoping to set up the Battle of Pellenor Fields one day!

Much thanks.

PS. Thanks for the links moxie. They're nice, but I'm looking for something more like miniatures of the actual movie. :) precious.... :twisted:
becareful what you put in an aquarium that isn't designed specifically for aquariums. The paint can create chemicals in the water that could be harmful to your fish

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