The Fish Name Game

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ibrahim said:
Lol yea mines was easy but I've got a tricky one I'm a freshwater fish who loves dogs. I can get fairly large and people think of me as a shark.
Edit*** Oops just solve mines after the first two are solved.

Hehe mines is still unsolved
Okay i am a saltwater crab that can reach 6"

I am semi agressive and can kill small fish and other crabs/shrimp

I am reef safe and a carnivore

My color is mainly tan

Nu-Nu the eel said:
Okay i am a saltwater crab that can reach 6"

I am semi agressive and can kill small fish and other crabs/shrimp

I am reef safe and a carnivore

My color is mainly tan


Arrow crab or Sally Lightfoot
Tropical! Here, I'll do one.
This schooling fish is kind of circular, and is black and kind of clearish white.
Okay, another clue. It is a very popular and energetic fish, an is kind of nippy amongst it's own group.
Nu-Nu the eel said:
This is a hard one! Ummmm is it a tetra?

Is is a tetra. I thought this would be easy. But since I'm going to sleep, you guys will have to wait in suspense. Mwuhahaha! :)
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