The rule on feeding quantities?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 3, 2002
I don't know if I'm overfeeding or not, but it seems by the looks of the massive, long ropes of yellow poop hanging out of my goldfish, I believe I am. I have (measured from tail base to snout):
one 7" and one 6" Comet
4" oranda goldfish
1.5" rescued feeder goldfish
5" common pleco
7" common pleco

Can anyone tell me what the general rule for feeding a group like this is? Thanks if you can help!!

Feed the goldfish and the comets at some point in the day once. Add enough food that none is left after 3-4 min.

Feed the pleco's 30min before lights out. Pleco's are more nocternal so they will feed after the lights are out. Use sinking food tablets for them.

You will think your fish are starving becauase of the way they will eat the food and come to the surface every time you come by the tank. Dont give in. Daily feedings will be plenty.
I don't know if I'm overfeeding or not, but it seems by the looks of the massive, long ropes of yellow poop hanging out of my goldfish, I believe I am.

ffreek gave you good advice on feeding, but just wanted to put my 2 cents in. My goldfish commonly swim around with long strands of poop hanging out too. kinda disgusting, but I guess it's pretty common. I usually feed once a day also, seems to make no difference. :lol:
Thank you guys! Its nice to have you give me advice with the past in mind. I usually feed goldfish 2x a day with Hikari gold baby pellets. The plecs I also feed 2x with Hikari algae tabs (2 per day per plec). I will try feeding only once as you guys suggest.
Perhaps that's why my AC 300 clogs up too much. I had to do an emergency water change the other day. I was on the computer and kept smelling what I thought was the trash, so I dumped it and the stench persisted. I went over to the tank and took a sniff and almost fell over from the ammonia fumes! 8O I thought the plecos were acting strangely just laying there like stiffs. But all seem fine now.
Thanks again! :mrgreen:
Feeding once a day is fine, I wouldn't personally worry too much about the dump from your fish, if they seem OK and the filter is doing it's job, there won't be probs.

As FF said, Pleco's will only come out at night and its best to feed them sinking bottom feeder tablets ( although they will eat left over flakes and other bits ), mine will very rarely move during the day.
Thanks Grant. Love West London, btw! My plecs are pretty active except for the bigger of the two. Perhaps the rainy days there make them lazy! 8) Take care..
No probs, and with Regard to London, if you live in Florida, or any of these towns where most of the AquariumAdvice members live I'll swap you anyday ! :D :wink:

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