Tiger Barb killing my Black Skirt Tetra!! :(

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 11, 2011
Hello, and this is my first post here. Been using this forum for help with cycling and other questions i had and I'm thrilled to join! However I'm sad to have to post this.

I have a 20 gal tank with:
1 peppered cory (getting more when i can asap)
3 neon tetras
6 small tiger barbs (probably young since they are so small)
1 black skirt tetra

Before getting 4 cute little tiger barbs, my tank was running in complete harmony, with all fish healthy and getting along.

0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, under 20 pm nitrate. 15% water changes a week.

After adding the 4 tiger barbs yesterday i had no problems what so ever until today i noticed them chasing around the black skirt tetra constantly nipping at his fins. He never defends himself just swims away. Literally ive watched them chase him around for a half hour at a time nonstop. So i quickly got 2 more tiger barbs, to ease the aggression. Worked only for a little bit, then all 6 joined together and nip at him. They even swim at gravel level nipping at my cory!!! I know they are semi-aggresive but they shouldnt be nipping at my cory.

Now my black skirt tetra is white, and his fins are looking weak and nipped. He is not eating. Still swimming around though. Is there any hope?! Should i return him? Remove him and put him in a bucket till i can return him? idk what to anymore, but i dont think hes gonna last with all the nipping.

Thank you for all your help. sorry for the long post!

-Sneezing Tetra
Tiger barbs are known to be fin nippers... I would take the tiger barbs back, since they're the ones causing the problem. I have a feeling that the reason your black skirt tetra isn't eating and is white is because he's stressed out, due to the tiger barb's abuse. I would try to find a different fish for your tank once your black skirt tetra is feeling better, returning to eating and color. If he doesn't within a week, I would consider getting him checked out.

I wish you luck on getting harmony in your tank.
Thank you for the advice silver rose, i will probably end up taking them back if they dont stop bothering my cory. Otherwise maybe ill sell my black skirt.

Update: I removed the black skirt and but him in a bowl (using the water from the main tank), with a little food and an air stone. I think it made him worse, so a few hours later i put him back into the main tank. He didn't move for a couple hours, then was swimming around completely fine. Got his color back now, and defends himself against the tiger barbs. Heck he was even shoaling around with them. I think he learned that if he swims faster around the tank they wont really bother him. Good for him! haha
Congrats on him defending himself! Like you've said, just keep watch out for them harassing the cory; if that continues to happen, you still might have to go and return them, but again, I wish you luck on keeping peace in your tank. Glad to hear things are working out though. :)
Just an FYI, Tiger Barbs are ruthless. Remind me of Pirahna a lot... Watch them closely.
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