Tiger Nassarius snails...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
I knew these guys like to burrow, but they've been burrowed since Sat night. I acclimated them, and they both immediately went under the sand. I do see their tubes sticking out of the sand, so I at least know where they are... Is this common for this amount of time? I figured I'd see them hunting around at some point since I added them...
I knew these guys like to burrow, but they've been burrowed since Sat night. I acclimated them, and they both immediately went under the sand. I do see their tubes sticking out of the sand, so I at least know where they are... Is this common for this amount of time? I figured I'd see them hunting around at some point since I added them...

Mine remain under the sand unless I feed the tank. They then rise out like zombies and search for pieces of shrimp.
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